smashed bananas

Favorite vicitm of the flummox caused by perpetual existential malaise. I am disenchanted with 99% of the meaningless things that clutter our universe.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What's the Deal with Kids?

Starting to get REALLY annoyed by all the shit regarding kids these days. Ya I know they are cute little narcissistic bundles of joy, but if I don't want to have any, can't that just be? Lemmie alone!

I always get that condescending, "Oh, I know you say that now sweetie but you will want kids. Just wait till you turn x, and you will change your mind."  If not spoken, then in the facial expressions of those more fortunate than I, who have experienced the ultimate blessing that is having a baby.

I might NOT change my mind. I am so sick of this idea that having a baby is what every woman ought to do. What if I'm sterile? What if I'm homosexual? What if I can't afford it? Yeah. What if. So that's amazing you have them, and want them, and talk about them all the time. I am thrilled for you. But does that ipso facto mean I need to have and want them?

Obviously not.

So I am happy to celebrate your choices, love your kids and share my life with your decisions. But save the fucking child talk. Please. Because frankly, I feel compelled to use my life right now to address more pressing issues than procreation. At least more pressing issues to me. And at the end of the day, isn't that what all this 21st-Century individualism, "be yourself, love yourself" bullshit is all about? Me?